Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WOD - 081229

coming off a one week break...

AMRAP in 20 min:
5 thrusters
7 hang cleans
10 SDHPs
men: 95#, women: 65#

total: 6 2/3 rounds at 65#

Warmed up with 75#, but it just felt too heavy on the thrusters. Bumped back to 65# and that felt a little light. Really had to dust the cobwebs off for this one. Felt really tight and sluggish, which is expected after a week of laying around and eating very poorly.

Friday, December 19, 2008

WOD - 081219

10-20-30 reps
Med ball slams (20#)
Walking lunges
OHS (95# men, 45# women - I used 45#)
for time

time: 14:40

I feared the OHS, but they weren't bad at all. Did 10 and 20 unbroken and finished the last set with 10-5-5-10. Could have gone to 65# I think.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WOD - 081217

10 deadlifts (used 155#)
10 burpees
5 rounds for time

time: 9:45

Should have gone heavier (175# or more).

Monday, December 15, 2008

WOD - 081215

"The Filthy Fifty"
50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges (50 steps)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
For Time

time: 47:42

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WOD - 081210

Thrusters (95# - scaled to 65#)
for time

time: 7:30 (PR)

still using women's weight, but after trying a couple at 95#, it's clear I have a long way to go.

WOD - 081208

AMRAP in 20 min:
15 pull-ups
15 ring push-ups
15 back extensions (sub'd superman)
15 GHD sit-ups (sub'd ab-mat situps)

total: 4 complete rounds

Pull-ups very difficult due to lat/bicep fatigue from previous WOD.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

WOD - 081205

With a continuously running clock, for 20 minutes:

Max pull-ups
Max push-ups

Count total reps of each

Totals: 104 pull-ups/104 push-ups

First round of pull-ups was 22, I think a PR. From there, rounds of 6 until final few rounds (5,4,3,etc.). First round of push-ups was 20, but was pacing myself a bit more for better consistency. Most rounds were 5.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WOD - 081203

"Mr. Joshua"

400m run
30 GHD sit-ups (I did Abmat situps)
15 deadlift (225#, I scaled to 155#)
5 rounds for time

time: 24:01

felt good; deadlifts were sets of 5; sit-ups and run unbroken

Monday, December 1, 2008

WOD - 081201


Push press
Front Squat
400m run

for time

time: around 18min (I think - timer accidentally stopped at 14min); used 65# for everything

WOD - 081126

Dumbbell Bear

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform the following:

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters

Loading should equal 45% of bodyweight. I scaled to 20# (~26% of bodyweight).

Finshed all 20 rounds, but form really terrible on cleans for the last several rounds. Kept good pace throughout, never really had to think about stopping though it was definitely a tough workout. Back really killed the next day, and continues to hurt almost a week later. Ouch.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WOD - 081124

medicine ball cleans (20#)
one-arm lunges (15# dumbbell)
wall ball (20#)
mountain climbers

for time

time: 17:57

Gassed during pull-ups in first round. Did sets of 5 in second round. Still need to work on pushing harder.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

WOD - 081121

10 thrusters (95#, sub'd 65#)
10 pull-ups
AMRAP in 20 min

total: 7 rounds + 10 thrusters + 1 pull-up

back really sore today

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WOD - 081119

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

wall-ball: 28-18-15
SDHP (sub'd 65#): 17-10-10
box jump (had to step-up on last two rounds): 15-13-13
push press (sub'd 65#): 10-10-10
row: 10-9-11
total: 199

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WOD - 081117

Missed all of last week due to illness. Also, injured my back over the weekend digging fence posts, so I was only 60% or so for this one:

"Tabata Row"
Tabata intervals of the following:
rowing (on Tillman's new C2 rower!)
jump rope
kb swings (sub'd squats due to back)
sit ups

rowing: 48 cals
jump rope: 290(?)
squats: 95(?)
sit-ups: 80

Thursday, November 6, 2008

WOD - 081106

"Michael" (modified)
800m run
30 back extensions
30 sit-ups
30 push-ups
3 rounds for time

time: 26:06

felt good cardiovascularly; back extensions and push-ups slowed me down in last two rounds (broke each into sets of 5)

WOD - 081105

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Total: 12 rounds + 11

Made a serious mental mistake and thought I was out of time when I could have easily finished another 2 (to complete the round of 13). I don't think I would have completed the round of 14, though. Hit a wall during round 11.

After the WOD:
1-10-1 thruster breathing ladder (used 15# dumbbells)
easier than last time

Monday, November 3, 2008

WOD - 081103

15 thrusters (rx 95#, used 75#)
50 jump ropes
5 rounds for time

time: 18:06

sucked. definitely need to decrease weight next time and use a longer rope.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

WOD 081031

150 Wall ball for time (20# ball)

time: 11:49
lots of breaks. did sets of 5 at the end.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOD - 081029

Fitness Testing
number of sit-ups in 2-min: 74
number of push ups in 2 min: 48
2 mile run for time: 18:26

Monday, October 27, 2008

WOD - 081027

Before the WOD:
back squats
used 95-135-155-165#

400m run
25 squats
25 kb swings (35#)
25 box jumps (24")
for time

time: 22:10

Friday, October 24, 2008

WOD - 081024

20 push ups
200m run
20 lunges
200m run
20 kettlebell swings (used 35#)
200m run
20 sit-ups
4 rounds for time

time: 26:12

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WOD - 081022

21 SDHPs (used 1.5 pood kettlebell)
20 push ups
19 box jumps (used 24" box)
18 SDHPs
17 push ups
16 box jumps
2 push ups
1 box jump
for time

time: 15:10

Monday, October 20, 2008

WOD - 081020

21 thrusters (used 75#)
100 jump rope
21 renegade rows (15# dumbbells)
100 jump rope
21 back squat (75#)
100 jump rope
21 thrusters (75#)
for time

time: 14:21
thrusters killed me, as usual. renegade rows very tough also.

Friday, October 17, 2008

WOD - 081017

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Post total reps from all 32 intervals.

pull-ups: 14-9-7-6-4-4-4-4 (52)
push-ups: 10-10-10-8-6-4-3-4 (55)
sit-ups: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 (80)
squats: 12-12-12-14-14-14-14-16 (108)
total: 295

Goal was 285. Pushed hard throughout. Next time > 300.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WOD - 081015

10 pistols
15 pull-ups
as many rounds as possible in 20 min

7 rounds
modified HSPUs on box, and used pole for stability on pistols; real pull-ups. Pushed hard throughout, but breathing still difficult.

Monday, October 13, 2008

WOD - 081013

800m run
100 Russian twists
75 sit-ups
50 thrusters (rx'd 95#, I used 65#)
25 pull-ups
for time

time: 21:02

Friday, October 10, 2008

WOD - 081010

box jumps
med balls slams (20#)
for time

time: 17:50

finished with a few jumps on the big box

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

WOD - 081008

front squat
push press (or jerk)
back squat
try to maximize weight


Monday, October 6, 2008

WOD - 081006

"Barbara" (modified to 4 rounds with no rest between rounds)
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
4 rounds for time

time: 34:something

Talked to Dave about nutrition (he attended Robb Wolf's nutrition certification). Things to try:
1. Get majority of carbs in post-workout meal
2. Bump fat blocks 2x-5x (need to experiment)
3. Get good sleep

Saturday, October 4, 2008

WOD - 081003

300 jump rope
200 lunges
100 squats
50 sit-ups
25 superman
for time

time: 19:54

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

WOD - 081002

Thrusters (used 75#)
Pull-ups (as rx'd)
for time

time: 10:30

terrible time... more weight than last time, but not happy with the time. metcon killed me.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WOD - 080929

21 OHS (used 45#)
15 box jumps
9 handstand push-ups (modified on bar)

as many rounds as possible in 20 min

total: 3

Pretty miserable day all around. Was feeling weak during warm-up (30 push-ups + 30 ring dips), really struggling to get through it. OHS were strong except for sharp pain/stress in my wrists as the reps increased. Wrist strength/flexibility definitely weak. Also, sharp pain in back of left shoulder left me lacking confidence.

Overall, not a good day.

Friday, September 26, 2008

WOD - 080926

started with Tabata thrusters (10# dumbbells)
total: 98

5 deadlifts (used 135#)
5 shoulder press (used 65#)
5 burpees
5 rounds for time
time: 6:58

50 double-unders (sub: 100 singles)
50 sit-ups
40 double-unders (sub: 80 singles)
40 sit-ups
10 double-unders (sub: 20 singles)
10 sit-ups
for time
time: 12:58
did mostly singles; first and last rounds did doubles (left calf cramped early)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WOD - 080924

400m run
21 kb swings (used 16kg)
12 pull-ups
3 rounds for time (+ 2 rounds = 5 rounds total)

time: 22:59 (5 rounds)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WOD - 080922

"Roaming Phat Cindy"
400m run
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats (95#)
as many rounds as possible in 20 min

result: 4 full rounds (with 1:40 to spare; didn't start another round)

squats were the bottleneck (had to break into sets of 10-5, 10-5, 8-7, and 5-5-5); lower back was very stiff; runny was slow near the end also

Friday, September 19, 2008

WOD - 080919

deadlift (used 145#)
handstand push-ups (modified, using box)
for time

time: 7:59

followed with more deadlifts: PR'd at 245#, felt like I could keep going

Thursday, September 18, 2008

WOD - 080917

400m run
50 push-ups
400m run
50 pull-ups
400m run
21 push press (65#)
400m run
21 push jerk (65#)
for time

time: 24:10

I was slower than most by several minutes, but the push-ups took me a while (very fatigued from 100 push-up/day that I've been doing). Left shoulder is also tender, so I was a bit tentative. Also, I did everything unmodified, which always slows things down relative to everyone else.

65# is getting to be too easy. Need to increase next time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WOD - 080915

25 wall ball (20#)
50 sit-ups
25 kb swings (16kg/35#)
50 squats
3 rounds for time

time: 23:20

Friday, September 12, 2008

WOD - 080912

400m run
30 box jumps (24" box)
30 wall ball (20# ball)
5 rounds for time

time: 34:10

felt pretty strong for this one

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WOD - 080910

Before the WOD:
pull-up test (as many in 1 min): 23 (19 unbroken)
can definitely improve on this

deadlifts (used 95#)
for time

time: 6:20something

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WOD - 080909

10 ring dips
10 SDHPs (used 85#)
7 rounds for time

time: 24:something

Yowza. Really sluggish on this one. Dave noticed also, and we talked about diet. I eat crap on the weekends, so I'm sure that's a big part of it. Mondays are always harder.

Monday, September 8, 2008

WOD - 080905

1 mile run (in neighborhood behind gym)
36 weighted lunges (used 25# dumbells)
36 clean and jerks (used 85#)
for time

time: 28:10

Thursday, September 4, 2008

WOD - 080903

Fitness Test
400m run: 1'03" (3 secs better than last time)
push-ups in 1 min: 35 (3 LESS THAN last time)
sit-ups in 1 min: 38 (7 LESS THAN last time)
tabata squats: 10 more than last time (can't recall exact splits)

Obviously, push-ups and sit-ups need lots of work.

WOD - 080901

Crossfit Cedar Park Labor Day Workout
"Crossfit Baseball"
AMRAP in 30 min of:
10 pushups (first base)
10 squats (second base)
10 burpees (third base)
10 random exercises: thrusters, med ball cleans, kb swings, mountain climbers (home plate)
each round is one "run"

I completed 6 rounds (almost 7)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

WOD - 080829

Missed Wednesday's workout. Very rested for this one. WOD:

"The Twisted Twelve"
25 Walking Lunges
20 Pull-ups (I did these unbroken. First time in a WOD.)
50 Box Jumps
20 Double-unders or 40 Jump Ropes (did double unders)
25 Ring Dips
20 Knee to Elbows
30 KB Swings, 2 pood (used 53#)
30 Sit-ups
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (used 25# dumbbells)
25 Back extensions
30 Wall balls, #20
30 ring pulls (rev push ups)
for time

Time: 25:10

Monday, August 25, 2008

WOD - 080825

ring dips
deadlifts (used 135#)
box jumps
for time

time: 17:45

finished with thruster breathing ladder, 1-10-1. Oy...

Friday, August 22, 2008

WOD - 080822

10 reps of 4 mountain climbers w/1 tuck jump
10 overhead squats
10 pullups
5 rounds for time

time: 19:30
used 45# for overheads.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

WOD - 080820

"Tabata Something Else"
tabata intervals (20s work, 10s rest; repeat 8 times) for the following:

10s rest between exercises
for total reps

pull-ups: 11-10-6-6-5-4-5-4 (51)
push-ups: 10-10-9-6-6-5-5-4 (55)
sit-ups: 8-6-8-8-9-8-9-8 (64)
squats: 11-12-12-12-12-12-12-14 (97)
total: 267

Monday, August 18, 2008

WOD - 080818

25 pull-ups (got 20 in a row - PR)
50 deadlifts (used 115#)
50 push-ups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers (used 65#)
50 med ball cleans (rx'd uses kb; I used 20# med ball)
25 pull-ups (sets of 5)

time: 29:26

Friday, August 15, 2008

WPD - 080815

400m run
15 pull-ups
20 burpees
30 sit-ups
40 push-ups
50 squats
40 push-ups
30 sit-ups
20 burpees
15 pull-ups
400m run

time: 23:17

Thursday, August 14, 2008

WOD - 080813

hang clean to press (I used 65#)
wall ball (20#)

time: 10:51

Monday, August 11, 2008

WOD - 080811

thrusters (95#, scaled to 65#)

time: 9:07

About 30secs off my last time about a month ago. Feeling gassed very early, and while my pull-ups were better than last time, the thrusters felt harder. Need lots of endurance and strength work still.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

WOD - 080808

10 deadlift (95#)
20 wallball (20# ball)
100 jump rope
5 rounds for time

time: 18:something

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WOD - 080806

with 65# barbell:
5 squat cleans
10 barbell lunges (5 each leg)
5 thrusters
5 rounds for time

time: 19:26

cardiovascular capacity definitely the weak link here.

WOD - 080805

Pre-WOD strength work:
Shoulder Press
45#-65#-85#-105#-failed 110#

15 kettlebell swings (rx'd 53#, I used 35#)
10 ring dips
5 burpees
3o situps
4 rounds for time

time: 17:something

Did the ring dips as rx'd, in sets of 5 in the first two rounds and 2-3 in the last 2 rounds.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

WOD - 080801

50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
for time

time: 9:something (real pull-ups and push-ups)


"5 minutes of fun"
1 min jackknife situps (16lb med ball)
1 min reverse crunches
1 min jackknife
1 min reverse
1 min jackknife
for total reps

total: 95 (I think)

1-10-1 thruster breathing ladder
1 rep, followed by one breath.
2 reps, followed by two breaths.
to 10 reps, then back to 1

Started to lose it on the way back down, around 8 reps. Had to take extended (20-30sec) breaks to recover. Felt like I was going to pass out or puke. Really tired at the end of this one.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WOD - 07/30/08

10 push ups
10 squats
10 pull-ups
10 burpees
(Warm up notable because I did the whole thing unbroken, including pull-ups. First time this is true.)

21 kb swings (14kg I think)
Sprint to middle of parking lot (~50m)
lunge to end of parking lot (~50m)
lunge back to middle (~50m)
run to front of parking lot
4 rounds for time

time: 20:17

Monday, July 28, 2008

WOD - 07/28/08

800m run
50 back extensions
50 situps
3 rounds for time

time: 29:18

Saturday, July 26, 2008

WOD - 7/25/08

15 box jumps
15 burpees
15 ball slams (20#)
15 pull-ups
for time

time: 19:18

Thursday, July 24, 2008

WOD - 7/23/2008

No real WOD today. Worked on power clean technique with Dave.
Started with 65# and ended with 95#. Things to work on:
- Not pulling too early (hit my knees hard with the bar a few times)
- hitting triple extension
- elbows out
- correct rack position (i.e., not resting the bar on my hands but instead setting it on my delts)
- flexibility (back was very stiff, I think from holding the starting stance as much as anything)

So, basically everything needs work.

Finished with Tabata squats:
legs and back really tired at the end

Monday, July 21, 2008

WOD - 7/21/2008

5 pull-ups
10 renegade rows (used 20#)
15 push press (used 65#)
400m run
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Completed 3 full rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 renegade rows + 5 push press

Renegade rows were hard. Push press was harder.

Friday, July 18, 2008

WOD - 7/18/2008


30 Clean and Jerk - 135#
for time

time: 11:something (scaled to 95#)

Still need lots of strength work. Also, need to try harder; tired at the end, but recovered pretty quickly.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WOD - 7/16/2008

50 back extensions (I sub'd supermans)
40 OHS
30 push ups

100 jump rope
20 burpees
5 rounds for time

time: 17:35

Not as bad as I thought, but not easy. Definitely need to go harder next time. Lots of gas left in the tank.

Monday, July 14, 2008

WOD - 7/14/2008

20 OHS
20 pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 burpees

Run 400m
50 squats
4 rounds for time

time: 16:10

Finished with "Five Minutes of Fun":
1 min jackknife crunch
1 min reverse crunch
1 min jackknife crunch
1 min reverse crunch
1 min jackknife crunch
For total reps

total: 81 reps w/20lb medicine ball for jackknifes

Sunday, July 13, 2008

WOD - 7/11/2008

"Tabata Mash-up"

Alternating Tabata kettlebell swings and jumping jacks; total reps
(Tabata interval: 20 sec work, 10 sec rest; repeat 8 times)

Total reps: 285 w/35lb KB

This workout felt a lot easier than I expected. Finished with Tabata jack-knife crunches with 10lb medicine ball (can't remember total for this).

WOD - 7/7/2008


8:something with 65lb thrusters (95lb rx'd for men) and rx'd pull-ups. Totally gassed after first round; had to take frequent breaks to breath in second and third rounds.
Goals: rx'd thrusters (95lb), 6 min

WOD - 6/27/2008

"Crossfit Total"

1RM Back Squat
1RM Shoulder Press
1RM Deadlift

Back Squat - 225lb
Shoulder Press - 105lb
Deadlift - 235lb
Total - 565lb

Current BW: 148lb

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello, World

I created this blog to track crossfit Workout of the Day ("WOD") results. Should have done this a long time ago.