Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WOD - 080929

21 OHS (used 45#)
15 box jumps
9 handstand push-ups (modified on bar)

as many rounds as possible in 20 min

total: 3

Pretty miserable day all around. Was feeling weak during warm-up (30 push-ups + 30 ring dips), really struggling to get through it. OHS were strong except for sharp pain/stress in my wrists as the reps increased. Wrist strength/flexibility definitely weak. Also, sharp pain in back of left shoulder left me lacking confidence.

Overall, not a good day.

Friday, September 26, 2008

WOD - 080926

started with Tabata thrusters (10# dumbbells)
total: 98

5 deadlifts (used 135#)
5 shoulder press (used 65#)
5 burpees
5 rounds for time
time: 6:58

50 double-unders (sub: 100 singles)
50 sit-ups
40 double-unders (sub: 80 singles)
40 sit-ups
10 double-unders (sub: 20 singles)
10 sit-ups
for time
time: 12:58
did mostly singles; first and last rounds did doubles (left calf cramped early)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WOD - 080924

400m run
21 kb swings (used 16kg)
12 pull-ups
3 rounds for time (+ 2 rounds = 5 rounds total)

time: 22:59 (5 rounds)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WOD - 080922

"Roaming Phat Cindy"
400m run
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats (95#)
as many rounds as possible in 20 min

result: 4 full rounds (with 1:40 to spare; didn't start another round)

squats were the bottleneck (had to break into sets of 10-5, 10-5, 8-7, and 5-5-5); lower back was very stiff; runny was slow near the end also

Friday, September 19, 2008

WOD - 080919

deadlift (used 145#)
handstand push-ups (modified, using box)
for time

time: 7:59

followed with more deadlifts: PR'd at 245#, felt like I could keep going

Thursday, September 18, 2008

WOD - 080917

400m run
50 push-ups
400m run
50 pull-ups
400m run
21 push press (65#)
400m run
21 push jerk (65#)
for time

time: 24:10

I was slower than most by several minutes, but the push-ups took me a while (very fatigued from 100 push-up/day that I've been doing). Left shoulder is also tender, so I was a bit tentative. Also, I did everything unmodified, which always slows things down relative to everyone else.

65# is getting to be too easy. Need to increase next time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WOD - 080915

25 wall ball (20#)
50 sit-ups
25 kb swings (16kg/35#)
50 squats
3 rounds for time

time: 23:20

Friday, September 12, 2008

WOD - 080912

400m run
30 box jumps (24" box)
30 wall ball (20# ball)
5 rounds for time

time: 34:10

felt pretty strong for this one

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WOD - 080910

Before the WOD:
pull-up test (as many in 1 min): 23 (19 unbroken)
can definitely improve on this

deadlifts (used 95#)
for time

time: 6:20something

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WOD - 080909

10 ring dips
10 SDHPs (used 85#)
7 rounds for time

time: 24:something

Yowza. Really sluggish on this one. Dave noticed also, and we talked about diet. I eat crap on the weekends, so I'm sure that's a big part of it. Mondays are always harder.

Monday, September 8, 2008

WOD - 080905

1 mile run (in neighborhood behind gym)
36 weighted lunges (used 25# dumbells)
36 clean and jerks (used 85#)
for time

time: 28:10

Thursday, September 4, 2008

WOD - 080903

Fitness Test
400m run: 1'03" (3 secs better than last time)
push-ups in 1 min: 35 (3 LESS THAN last time)
sit-ups in 1 min: 38 (7 LESS THAN last time)
tabata squats: 10 more than last time (can't recall exact splits)

Obviously, push-ups and sit-ups need lots of work.

WOD - 080901

Crossfit Cedar Park Labor Day Workout
"Crossfit Baseball"
AMRAP in 30 min of:
10 pushups (first base)
10 squats (second base)
10 burpees (third base)
10 random exercises: thrusters, med ball cleans, kb swings, mountain climbers (home plate)
each round is one "run"

I completed 6 rounds (almost 7)