Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WOD - 07/30/08

10 push ups
10 squats
10 pull-ups
10 burpees
(Warm up notable because I did the whole thing unbroken, including pull-ups. First time this is true.)

21 kb swings (14kg I think)
Sprint to middle of parking lot (~50m)
lunge to end of parking lot (~50m)
lunge back to middle (~50m)
run to front of parking lot
4 rounds for time

time: 20:17

Monday, July 28, 2008

WOD - 07/28/08

800m run
50 back extensions
50 situps
3 rounds for time

time: 29:18

Saturday, July 26, 2008

WOD - 7/25/08

15 box jumps
15 burpees
15 ball slams (20#)
15 pull-ups
for time

time: 19:18

Thursday, July 24, 2008

WOD - 7/23/2008

No real WOD today. Worked on power clean technique with Dave.
Started with 65# and ended with 95#. Things to work on:
- Not pulling too early (hit my knees hard with the bar a few times)
- hitting triple extension
- elbows out
- correct rack position (i.e., not resting the bar on my hands but instead setting it on my delts)
- flexibility (back was very stiff, I think from holding the starting stance as much as anything)

So, basically everything needs work.

Finished with Tabata squats:
legs and back really tired at the end

Monday, July 21, 2008

WOD - 7/21/2008

5 pull-ups
10 renegade rows (used 20#)
15 push press (used 65#)
400m run
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Completed 3 full rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 renegade rows + 5 push press

Renegade rows were hard. Push press was harder.

Friday, July 18, 2008

WOD - 7/18/2008


30 Clean and Jerk - 135#
for time

time: 11:something (scaled to 95#)

Still need lots of strength work. Also, need to try harder; tired at the end, but recovered pretty quickly.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WOD - 7/16/2008

50 back extensions (I sub'd supermans)
40 OHS
30 push ups

100 jump rope
20 burpees
5 rounds for time

time: 17:35

Not as bad as I thought, but not easy. Definitely need to go harder next time. Lots of gas left in the tank.

Monday, July 14, 2008

WOD - 7/14/2008

20 OHS
20 pull-ups
20 push-ups
20 burpees

Run 400m
50 squats
4 rounds for time

time: 16:10

Finished with "Five Minutes of Fun":
1 min jackknife crunch
1 min reverse crunch
1 min jackknife crunch
1 min reverse crunch
1 min jackknife crunch
For total reps

total: 81 reps w/20lb medicine ball for jackknifes

Sunday, July 13, 2008

WOD - 7/11/2008

"Tabata Mash-up"

Alternating Tabata kettlebell swings and jumping jacks; total reps
(Tabata interval: 20 sec work, 10 sec rest; repeat 8 times)

Total reps: 285 w/35lb KB

This workout felt a lot easier than I expected. Finished with Tabata jack-knife crunches with 10lb medicine ball (can't remember total for this).

WOD - 7/7/2008


8:something with 65lb thrusters (95lb rx'd for men) and rx'd pull-ups. Totally gassed after first round; had to take frequent breaks to breath in second and third rounds.
Goals: rx'd thrusters (95lb), 6 min

WOD - 6/27/2008

"Crossfit Total"

1RM Back Squat
1RM Shoulder Press
1RM Deadlift

Back Squat - 225lb
Shoulder Press - 105lb
Deadlift - 235lb
Total - 565lb

Current BW: 148lb