Friday, January 30, 2009

WOD - 090130

400m run
50 wall ball (20#)
4 rounds for time

time: 26:00

Lots of wall ball. back was stiff again, though not as bad. Started with sets of 10, ended with sets of 5.

Last crossfit workout at Tillman for a while. I will miss them!

WOD - 090129

10 deadlift
10 hang clean
10 front squat
6 rounds for time (started out as 10 rounds, but altered mid-workout)

time: 23:40

I used 65#, and though the weight wasn't heavy my back became very stiff again around round 3 and it was very difficult to complete without what felt like a ton of rest. 10 rounds would have been killer. Lower back is sore again today.

Monday, January 26, 2009

WOD - 090126

Tabata "Mess Up My Lower Back"

Tabata intervals of the following:
kb swings (1 pood)
dumbbell cleans (20#)
dumbbell thrusters
kb squats
no rest between exercises (except for 10s standard tabata rest)

kb swings: 13-12-11-12-11-11-10-10 (90)
db cleans: 5-6-5-5-5-5-5-5 (41)
db thrusters: 3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2 (20)
kb squats: 2-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (23)
total: 174

Lower back was definitely the limiting factor here; got very still during db cleans, and thrusters were very difficult. I recovered quickly, so I think the back definitely did me in on this one. Will stretch it thoroughly this week per Dave's instructions.

Friday, January 23, 2009

WOD - 090123

50 ft walking overhead lunges (rx: 45# bar, I used 35#)
21 burpees
5 rounds for time

time: 21:04

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WOD - 090121

Fitness Testing
push-ups in 1 min: 37
sit-ups in 1 min: 51
400m sprint: 1:01
Tabata squats: 100

Compare to 080903

Improved slightly in everything but Tabata squats.

Push Press
65# (warm up) - 85# - 95# - 115#
Felt good. 115# was hard for 7.

Monday, January 19, 2009

WOD - 090119

20 bounding lunges
20 dumbell hang cleans (used 25#)
5 rounds for time

time: 19:09

May as well have called this one "burning quads". Need to work on hang clean form.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Supplemental work at home:

started with a basic warm-up (3 min jump rope, 3 rounds of squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks)

butterfly pull-up practice: getting better; started with small circles, working my way up to a full pull-up

bench press: testing 1 rep max (1RM); ended up at 155 (PR). Attempted 160 but no good.

deadlift: testing 1RM: ended at 255 (PR); tried 260 and failed

Friday, January 16, 2009

WOD - 090116

10 sit-ups (rx: GHD, I used abmat)
10 back extensions (rx: GHD, I did supermen)
30 thrusters (rx: 95#, used 65#)
50 pull-ups (rx'd)

30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
20 thrusters
35 pull-ups

50 sit-ups
50 back extensions
10 thrusters
20 pull-ups

for time

time: 29:32

Tough one. Scaled heavily, and still a real challenge. Did sets of 10 and 5 on thrusters, and sets of 5 on pull-ups.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WOD - 090114

400m run
50 kettlebell swings (used 14kg )
50 squats
4 rounds for time

time: 27:46

Pushed hard through this one thanks to good pacing by Robin. First set of kb swings were unbroken, followed by sets of 10 and 5 in later rounds. Back was really tight in rounds 3 and 4, moreso than ever before.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

WOD - 090112

Squat Ladder

With a continuously running clock, complete one squat in minute one, two squats in minute two, three in minute three... continue in this fashion until you are no longer able to complete the required number of squats within that minute.

rounds completed: 16 (using 65#)

Just finished round 16, and didn't even attempt round 17. Was dripping sweat and quads were burning by the end. Not to bad through round 11, but things started to get hard in round 12. Next time more weight.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

WOD - 090109

wall ball (20#)
thrusters (rx 95#, I used 65#)
for time

time: 14:something

Gassed very quickly (during first round of thrusters), but from a strength perspective not too bad. Wall ball unbroken then sets of 5. Thrusters were 10-11, 5-5-5, 5-4. Pull ups were sets of 5.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

WOD - 090107

40 push-press (tried 65#, ended up using 45#)
30 squats
20 ring dips (ended up jumping because of shoulder pain)
10 double unders
3 rounds for time

time: 18:something

Had to modify heavily because of a sharp pain in my left rear delt. Really hurt on pressing stuff (especially dips).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

WOD - 090106

kettlebell SDHPs (used 1 pood)
dumbbell hang cleans (used 15#)
strict press (used 45# bar)

SDHPs: 14-12-12-12-10-10-10-10 (90)
sit-ups: 10-10-10-10-11-10-10-10 (81)
db HCs: 9-9-9-9-9-8-9-10 (72)
press: 5-5-6-6-6-5-5-6 (44)
total: 287

Friday, January 2, 2009

WOD - 090102

AMRAP in 20 min:
5 OHS (used 45#)
10 ring dips
15 KB swings (1 pood)

total: 5 rounds

Started OHS with 65#, but too heavy (lots of wrist pain). Ring dips were really slow, had to do singles for last couple of sets. Shoulders and chest were really tight.