Monday, June 22, 2009

WOD - 090622

4 rounds, each for time, of:
800m run

1 - 4:05.5
2 - 4:28.3
3 - 4:56.2
4 - 4:36.8

Did this one at a local track, so the distance was legit. Was shooting for under 5:00, so I feel this is a good start though obviously not fast.

Before the WOD: shoulder therapy with Mike at Tillman PT.
Arm bicycle (10min)
1000m row (4:24)
95# shrugs (100 reps)
8# 45deg shoulder raise (50 reps)
push ups (40 reps)
sleeper stretch (30 reps)
pulley stretch thing (2 min)

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