Thursday, September 3, 2009

C2 - 090901

More "get acquinted with the rower" workout progression (with some modifications), from C2.

4x4min (3min recovery). Aiming for 22-24spm @ 130Watts

1: 130W @ 23 spm (warm up)
2: 131W @ 23spm
3: 130W @ 22spm
4: 132W @ 22 spm

total distance: 3456m

This felt harder and more anaerobic. May need to decrease damper setting (currently at 5).


Nikki Isbell said...

Where are you getting these rower wods from?

I did a rowing wod yesterday that killed. 4min on, 3 min off, 2 on, 30 sec off, 1 on, 3 min off, 2 on, 30 sec off, 4 on and done covering 3,120 meters.

Eric G. said...

Nikki, I got them from Concept2's web site, specifically:

It's a beginners guide, designed to increase familiarity with the rower and specifically the relationship between power output and stroke rate. It was interesting to an engineering geek like me.

I am hoping to being the CFE WODs soon. I need to get back on the horse and starting working out again consistently.